Reference Parameter Example In C Sharp

This program descirbe the concept of pass by reference(Reference Parameter in C#)
using System;

class ReferenceParameter
static void Main()
int a = 10;
Console.WriteLine("Value of a before calling method is " + a);
ChangeValueMethod(ref a);
Console.WriteLine("Value of a after calling method is " + a);
static void ChangeValueMethod(ref int a)
a += 10;
Console.WriteLine("Value of a is " + a);


Note : - While we make change in the variable value of the formal parameter they will reflect changes to the variable value of the actual parameter

Actual parameter is  :-
int a;

Formal parmeter is   :-
static void ChangeValueMethod(int a)
  a += 10;

Reference Parameter Example In C Sharp Reference Parameter Example In C Sharp Reviewed by Baljeet Singh on 01:54 Rating: 5

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