Introduction of TextBox Control In ASP.NET

TextBox Control (Class)

Namespace Name :- System.Web.UI.WebControls
Assembly Name  :- System.Web

TextBox control is an input control that takes input form the end user.
It is active control, means it has own event that fire when we leave the TextBox control focus.

List of some TextBox control property

1) Id :- Represent the unique Id for the TextBox control. We can use this Id along  with Text property for set the value to the TextBox control and get the value from the TextBox control.
2) Text :- The TextBox control display the text(string) that is set in the Text property.
3) Runat :- Enable the control to run at server side(mandatory).
4) AutoPostBack :- We can set either True or False value to the property of
5) TextMode :- We can set three value to the TextMode property.
a) SingleLine (means whatever you write in the TextBox goes to the singleline, not in the next line if  you   enter).
b) MultiLine (means when you press the cursor goes to the next line and write text in the next line).
c) Password (It makes my text into password form).
6) ReadOnly :- If we want that the contents of the TextBox control can't be change the we set the ReadOnly property value "true" otherwise "false".
7) Rows :- Sets the number of rows displayed in a TextBox but only in the case of MultiLine textbox.
8) Columns :- Sets the display width of the text box in characters. But only in the case of MultiLine textbox.


AutoPostBack. If we set True, then page post back to the server, when we loses focus from the TextBox control. By default the AutoPostBack is false, means when we loses focus from the TextBox control, the page is not post back to the server.

Introduction of TextBox Control In ASP.NET Introduction of TextBox Control In ASP.NET Reviewed by Baljeet Singh on 05:15 Rating: 5

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