First Step to C sharp

This program describe the first step onwards to the C sharp tour.

Open the notepad editor and type the following code.
I saved my program on the path :- C:\Users\seven\Desktop\FirstProg.cs


using System;

class FirstProg
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("My First C sharp program");


In this program i used some concepts like namespace,class,methods.

System is a namespace.
Console is a class.
WriteLine() is a method.

For run this program, go to the
Start ->
All Programs ->
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ->
Visual Studio Tools ->
Visual Studio Command Prompt 2010.

After open the Command Prompt  go to the path where you saved your program.
and use the "csc"  for csharpcompiler.

First Step to C sharp First Step to C sharp Reviewed by Baljeet Singh on 00:01 Rating: 5

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