How To Create A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) And Consume It

This program elaborate the concept of Dynamic Link Library (dll). How to create a dll and use it in the other file.

Create a file and save it with the name :- Class_Dll.cs

using System;

public class Class_Dll
public void Display()
Console.WriteLine("Hi ! I am in Class_Dll");

Command To Create a dll is given below :-

After the successfully created a dll file you get a file name :- Class_Dll.dll

Now Create a second file and save it with the name :- DllConceptTest.cs

using System;

class DllConceptTest
public static void Main()
Class_Dll cdll= new Class_Dll();

How to compile and run this file is given below :-

How To Create A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) And Consume It How To Create A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) And Consume It Reviewed by Baljeet Singh on 09:10 Rating: 5

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