Console Class And Its Members Is Static

This program describe that Console Class that is under System namespace is static class. We cannot create an instance of the static class. Methods of the Console Class is also static one. So It is not possible to call the methods of the Console class with its object, so always calls the static members with the class name instead of the object  reference.

using System;

class ConsoleClassTest
static void Main()

/* You never create an instance of Console class because Console class is a static class. */

                 Console c = new Console();  // This line generate an error.

/* You never call WriteLine method with Console class object.  because first thing is that Console    class is a static class  and other is WriteLine() method is also static method so for calling static method we need to qualify it  with class name instead of the object reference. */

c.WriteLine();    // This line also generate an error.



So always call the method WriteLine() in the following manner.
    Console.WriteLine("Happy To Program");

Console Class And Its Members Is Static Console Class And Its Members Is Static Reviewed by Baljeet Singh on 06:43 Rating: 5

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