Constructor Chaining In C Sharp

This program elaborate the concept of constructor chaining, with this concept we can remove the duplicacy of code in our program code.

using System;

class Employee
private int e_id;
private string e_name;
private string e_address;

public Employee(){}

public Employee(int id)
e_id = id;
Console.WriteLine("Employee Id is " + e_id);

public Employee(int id, string name) : this(id)
e_name = name;
Console.WriteLine("Employee Name is " + e_name);

public Employee(int id, string name, string address) : this(id,name)
e_address = address;
Console.WriteLine("Employee Adddress is " + e_address);


class ConstructorChainingWithThisKeyword
static void Main()
Employee employee = new Employee(1,"Amit","#1111");

NOTE:- If we do not use constructor chaining then instead of the code write below

public Employee(int id)
e_id = id;
Console.WriteLine("Employee Id is " + e_id);
public Employee(int id, string name) : this(id)
e_name = name;
Console.WriteLine("Employee Name is " + e_name);
we need that code to replace the code given below

public Employee(int id)
e_id = id;
Console.WriteLine("Employee Id is " + e_id);
public Employee(int id, string name)
e_id = id;                                                       //here it create duplicacy.
e_name = name;
Console.WriteLine("Employee Id is " + e_id);         //here it create duplicacy.
Console.WriteLine("Employee Name is " + e_name);
Constructor Chaining In C Sharp Constructor Chaining In C Sharp Reviewed by Baljeet Singh on 11:47 Rating: 5

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